Tuesday, 6 June 2017

First Family Bowling Event in the Philippines

This is my family's first time to playing bowling in the Philippines after more than four years of stay.

This also our three children's first time playing bowling experience.

This sport is not new to them. When were in Thailand, every week, all of them were always with me and my wife watching us playing this sport.

I joined the Filipino community who are members of a Diplomatic Bowling League (DBL) wherein I also became member and then later on, about three years later, became its President.

DBL is one of the prestigious bowling clubs in Thailand in which apart from its weekly bowling tournament, it also conducts two major bowling marathons (24 games each time) for all its members wherein lots and huge prices are at stake.

It's composed of expatriates coming from different countries around the world, most of them working at the United Nations, foreign and local companies. Lots of its members are from the Association of Filipinos in Thailand (AFT).

This is also the first time that I heard from our children saying, " Daddy, one more game, we still like to play."

In short, each of them had played three games in that first bowling session with them and with our friends in the BCBP community.

God willing, there would be more bowling games to play, since our brothers and sisters in the BCBP community like it very much also.

Our Children keep on asking me when are we going to play bowling again.

Monday, 5 June 2017

After Lunch at Bon Chon

After taking our lunch at Bon Chon restaurant, we proceeded to the National Book Store to buy school supplies for our children.

While on the way walking to the store, we took some photos, but posted here only two: one is for our children walking with my wife, and the second photo is for me and our children under the heart structure with the plants over it.

After taking several photo shots under the heart structure, our children asked their Mom to join them, but she declined maybe because of the hot temperature.

It was a very cloudy day, but the heat of the sun still penetrates and got through it and hot temperature could be felt all over the area.

After the photo shots we hurried up to the National Book Store to cool down our bodies and to buy all the items in the list for our children school supplies.

After about an hour of searching all the items in the list, only about 80% were found. We then proceeded to another store about 10 km away after payment, to buy the other items.

We regretted when we found that all the things we had bought at the National Book Store could also be found at the Centro Mall at a much cheaper price.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Lunch after Today's Sunday Mass at a New Found Church in Sta. Rosa

Today, we went to another church (St. John Bosco Parish Church) which we had been searching for more than four years already.

In Thailand, we used to attend Sunday masses in an air conditioned church and when we arrived in the Philippines, we're searching for this kind of church, but we're not able to find it until one of our friends (brother) in our community mentioned it just recently.

As we're already late today for the other church scheduled mass, we then decided to explore the new church hoping that we could make it.

We praised and thanked our Lord God that we had made it - we arrived in the church about an hour before the mass had started.

After the mass, we then went straight to Paseo de Sta. Rosa to take our lunch in a Korean Restaurant there called "Bon Chon".

It's our first time in four years to eat at this restaurant. Each time I saw this restaurant, I just ignored it thinking that it's just new and I hadn't heard anything positive about it.

But when I tasted its foods, I never thought that its very delicious and the price is very reasonable.

Looking forward to eat there again the next time we're in the area.