Sunday, 21 May 2017

Today's Sunday Mass and Mother's Day Celebration for My Wife's Mother

Today's Sunday mass with my mother-in-law and my family.

It's the first time of my wife's mother to join us in this church.

As usual, after the mass, a cup of a homemade ice cream for everyone to cold down our bodies before going back home.

As our way honoring my wife's mother for a late Mother's Day celebration, we treat her a special lunch today at the same restaurant we had last Sunday before going back home.

We're so glad to see her happy with our simple way of giving her a late Mother's Day celebration through simple, and yet delicious lunch.

It's our first meeting with her after our last family reunion on the first week of January, 2017.

We're looking forward to have more Mother's Day to celebrate with her and with my family.

Wishing her and my family a good health, more wealth and blissful life with God in our center.

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